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Über den Arbeitgeber

PRISMAS – PhD Research and Innovation in Synchrotron Methods and Applications in Sweden – is a new doctoral programme training the next generation of leading synchrotron experts.

The program will train 40 curious, problem-solving PhD students in advanced synchrotron methodologies and techniques and their application in tackling current and future societal challenges. It is committed to educating fellows with outstanding capabilities who will carry forward new insights and experiences to society and their research fields.


PRISMAS aims to attract curious and motivated PhD candidates to support them in becoming next generation of synchrotron experts.

The purpose of the program is to:

  • Train future researchers and scientists to better tackle major future societal challenges using synchrotron research.
  • Increase the knowledge and promote the use of advanced synchrotron research methods in academic research and industrial R&D.
  • Reinforce the competence exchange between the MAX IV synchrotron and different organisations and maximize the societal benefit of MAX IV.
  • Strengthen the network surrounding Swedish academia and MAX IV in regard to synchrotron methods.
  • Build a platform for mentorship and peer-to-peer networking within the community.
  • Ensure that the Swedish synchrotron community stays world leading.


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