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Ecole des Neurosciences de Paris (ENP)

Zur Website

Über den Arbeitgeber

The Ecole des Neurosciences de Paris (ENP) is a non-profit foundation created in 2007 by the French Ministry of Research and Higher Education.

In 2016, the ENP gathers a network of 114 teams located in  23 research  centers in the Paris region performing research in 6 areas:

  • Neurogenetics/neurodevelopment
  • Neuropharmacology/cell signaling
  • Neurophysiology/ systems neuroscience
  • Neurological and psychiatric diseases
  • Cognitive Neurosciences/neuropsychology
  • Computational Neurosciences/ neural theory

Since 2007, ENP has launched, recruited and/or supported, through 4 mains programs (see below):

  • 17 Invited International scientists hosted by ENP teams;
  • 63 Scientific events supported and/or organized by ENP;
  • 5 Starting grant: start-up support for young group leaders;
  • 69 Graduate students, now 36 alumni.

ENP’s main actions

You are a scientific personality and wishes to collaborate with ENP network’s teams? Visit the website, identify a research team with whom you would like to collaborate, the ENP gives you this opportunity through the “Invited Scientists” program.

Invited Scientists Program:

  • Free duration from 3 to 12 months
  • General costs covered by ENP
  • Help to find accommodation in Paris
  • Year-round applications

You are a young researcher and, wishes to do a thesis in neuroscience in Paris? This 4-year ENP program offers you this opportunity. One call per year: apr.paris-neuroscience.fr

Graduate Program:

  • A 4-year program open to all students with a diploma equivalent to a French Master 2 and having carried out their most recent university studies outside France.

The first year is devoted to lab rotations within the ENP network. The following 3 years are dedicated to the PhD project in one of the associated Parisian doctoral schools.

  • Free application
  • Working language: English
  • Attractive fellowship
  • Affordable quality education in France


Entdecken Sie ähnliche Arbeitgeber

Télécom Paris Frankreich 18 offene Stellen
Aix-Marseille Université Frankreich 12 offene Stellen
MINES Saint-Étienne Frankreich 12 offene Stellen
IMT Atlantique Frankreich 8 offene Stellen
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) Grenoble, Frankreich 7 offene Stellen
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