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Alasala Education and Training Co.

Zur Website

Über den Arbeitgeber

In Alasala company for education and training , We present  solutions based on holistic  non fragmented knowledge that contribute effectively in the formulation of next generation leaders. As we adopt the production of edifices and various Academic projects that promotes higher education environment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and keep pace with knowledge and education. In order to achieve the hoped enrichment of academic knowledge. Through building bridges and partnerships with international expertise with major academic institutions,  as well as with local, Arab and international universities. As we are committed to our vision and our deep cultural roots, to create the knowledge, exchange it and combine it with our educational expertise to achieve sustainability and to promote vocational education and  cognitive economy.


Entdecken Sie ähnliche Arbeitgeber

IU Internationale Hochschule Deutschland 133 offene Stellen
KU Leuven Belgien 121 offene Stellen
KTH Royal Institute of Technology Schweden 100 offene Stellen
University of Luxembourg Luxemburg 72 offene Stellen
ETH Zürich Schweiz 72 offene Stellen
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