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University of Basel

PhD student position (100%, funded) in “bacterial immunity against phage infection"

2024-11-29 (Europe/Zurich)
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Über den Arbeitgeber

University of Basel ranks among the world’s one hundred best universities and boast a top-ten place among German-speaking universities.

Besuchen Sie die Arbeitgeberseite
How does life emerge from molecules and cells? This is the central question that motivates us. With curiosity and passion, we investigate the entire spectrum ranging from the atom to the organism. The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the world's leading life sciences institutes. With 33 groups and 500 employees, we are a dynamic and international research community that has spawned many fundamental discoveries in biology and medicine as well as several Nobel Laureates. Become part of our community!

The research group of Yuping Li is looking to recruit a highly motivated PhD student.
Our research group is generally interested in the interaction and co-evolution between bacteria and a family of big bacterial viruses, called jumbophages. We are particularly interested in how bacteria use immune systems to antagonize phage infection and how phages evade such immune systems. In the proposed project, we will use genetics, biochemistry, and structural biology approaches to understand the mechanism of bacterial immune systems and to investigate phage factors that antagonize bacterial immune functions. We are looking for a motivated and curious student to join our growing team.
MSc or equivalent degree with a strong component in any of the following areas: microbiology, biochemistry, structural biology, quantitative biology, or evolution biology. Experience in bacterio-/phage- biology and biochemistry is preferred but not required. Selection will furthermore be based on the educational background, motivation, independence and creativity of the applicant. The position is funded and salary is according to institutional guidelines.
The Yuping Li lab is a starting group, aiming to build an international team of dynamic and collaborative scientists. We committed to create an equal and inclusive work atmosphere and to solve fundamental questions surrounding evolution and interaction between bacteria and bacteriophages. The Biozentrum provides a highly stimulating collaborative research environment with a fantastic infrastructure in a brand-new building, as well as state-of-the-art technology platforms for cutting-edge interdisciplinary research.

Basel is an international city with people from 150 nations. Located on the border where three countries meet – Switzerland, Germany and France – it is Europe's most important life sciences hub. Basel provides a high standard of living and a rich cultural atmosphere.
Application / Contact

Please apply online: https://biped.biozentrum.unibas.ch/apply/phd-student-position_ligroup

There, enter the relevant information and upload the required PDF documents, including:

  • Your up-to-date CV with contact details of at least two referees
  • A brief personal statement, explaining how your research skills and interests align with the aims of this project and the research focus of our group (max 2 pages)
  • All required diplomas, including MSc confirmation and grades

Review of applications will start immediately and continue until the position is filled.
Only online applications will be considered.

For any informal enquiries, please contact: yuping.li@unibas.ch


PhD student position (100%, funded) in “bacterial immunity against phage infection"
Petersplatz 1 Basel, Schweiz
2024-11-29 23:59 (Europe/Zurich)
2024-11-29 23:59 (CET)
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Über den Arbeitgeber

University of Basel ranks among the world’s one hundred best universities and boast a top-ten place among German-speaking universities.

Besuchen Sie die Arbeitgeberseite

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