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Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (JGU)

University Professors of Information Systems

2024-12-13 (Europe/Berlin)
Job sichern

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) is one of the largest universities in Germany. Thanks to its location in the Rhine-Main science region, the university can exploit its full potential and showcase its innovative power and dynamism. Its status as a comprehensive university allows for multidisciplinary learning and teaching, in turn paving the way for internationally renowned, interdisciplinary research. Almost all of its faculties and departments are located on a single campus close to the Mainz city center, creating a lively academic culture for researchers, teaching staff, and students from all over the world. 

The Faculty of Law, Management, and Economics invites applications for two

University Professors of Information Systems

beginning at the earliest possible date.
Salary grade W2 LBesG | Civil servant (tenured)  

Both professors should specialize in data sciencedata analytics, or the application of machine learning methods in business or economics. 

Tasks and expectations:

Successful candidates should have excellent publications in at least one of these topics. The future holders of these positions will have the opportunity to help establish and design a new B. Sc. program in Information Systems at Johannes Gutenberg University. We expect motivated and inspiring teaching and the willingness to offer classes in English. We also expect candidates to be able to acquire third- party funding and to be willing to contribute to one of the research clusters at JGU, preferably “Interdisciplinary Public Policy.” 


In addition to the general requirements according to public services law, applicants must meet the recruitment requirements stipulated in Section 49 of the Hochschulgesetz of Rhineland-Palatinate. Applicants must hold a doctorate and be able to demonstrate excellent academic achievements. 

The state of Rhineland-Palatinate and JGU are committed to the close personal mentoring of students and therefore expect teaching staff to have a strong presence at the university. Successful applicants should exhibit a cooperative, team-oriented and proactive work ethic, strong communication skills, and the willingness to assume responsibility – including further professional development in accordance with JGU’s leadership guidelines.

What we have to offer:

JGU firmly supports making family and career compatible and promotes its employees’ further professional development with an extensive range of human resources development opportunities. 

JGU values the diversity of its professorial body.

JGU aims to increase the number of women in research and teaching and therefore encourages female researchers to apply. 

Candidates with severe disabilities and appropriate qualifications will be given priority. 

Please apply by 13.12.2024 exclusively using the online application portal of Johannes Gutenberg University, which you can access via the following link: 


You can upload your application documents, including your academic CV, references, diplomas and certificates, a publication list, a list of previous teaching activity, teaching evaluations, a list of third-party funds acquired, and current and future research.

For questions and further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Franz Rothlauf by email at rothlauf@uni-mainz.de.

Information on data protection: https://karriere.uni-mainz.de/#hinweise-zum-datenschutz


University Professors of Information Systems
Saarstr. 21 D Mainz, Deutschland
2024-12-13 23:59 (Europe/Berlin)
2024-12-13 23:59 (CET)
Job sichern

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Die Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (JGU) zählt mit rund 36.500 Studierenden aus über 130 Nationen zu den zehn größten Universitäten Deutschla...

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