
CIHEAM Montpellier

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Über den Arbeitgeber

"Bringing peoples and ideas closer together, meeting the challenges of food as well as rural and coastal development beyond political, economic, societal and environmental considerations. That is the goal that encouraged 13 countries around the Mediterranean basin to create the CIHEAM and its four Mediterranean agronomic institutes as far back as 1962."

An intergovernmental Mediterranean organisation

Since 1962, the CIHEAM has focussed on the development of sustainable agriculture, fisheries and food systems in both rural and coastal areas of the Mediterranean basin.

For over fifty years, the CIHEAM has sailed the Mediterranean ins search of favourable winds and battling storms while maintaining the heading it has set to create ties between the different shores.

While the map of the CIHEAM has changed over time, agriculture, food, knowledge and rural development have always been the cardinal points guiding its journey. The experience acquired throughout these years allows the CIHEAM to adapt to the challenges of the present day. After all, the current political and financial context is no less complicated than in 1962.

The identity of the CIHEAM

  • We believe in a UNITED MEDITERRANEAN where the sustainable development of agriculture, food security and territorial cohesion foster social stability and inclusive growth.
  • We promote MULTILATERAL COOPERATION through specialised training, networked research, scientific diplomacy and political partnerships.
  • We contribute to REGIONAL STABILITY, food and nutritional security, the health of the different communities, environmental protection and access to the labour market for young people.
  • We firmly believe that INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE and DIVERSITY are essential. Several nationalities and religions coexist within the CIHEAM.
  • We are convinced of the importance of SHARING KNOWLEDGE and enhancing the links between knowledge and development needs.
  • We promote POLITICAL DIALOGUE through the organisation of meetings between the Agriculture Ministers of our member states.
  • We develop our actions within a framework of ACCOUNTABILITY and implement them by means of a results-based management approach.

The scientific output of the CIHEAM

Boasting considerable experience in a wide range of fields together with an extensive international network, the CIHEAM contributes to the debate on different ideas through the production of knowledge as well as scientific and technical analysis. Its publications and communication tools aim to facilitate the decision-making process for the region’s political, economic and agricultural stakeholders while providing students, researchers, journalists and other members of the civil society with the keys to understanding the Mediterranean.


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