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University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland - SUPSI

Professor in Robust Probabilistic Artificial Intelligence

2025-02-16 (Europe/Zurich)
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Deadline: 16th February 2025

The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) invites applications for a Professor in Robust Probabilistic Artificial Intelligence at the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA) within the Department of Innovative Technologies (DTI) located in the USI-SUPSI Campus in Lugano-Viganello. Degree of employment 80% to 100% with a permanent contract and starting on July 1st, 2025, or date to be agreed upon.

Scope and purpose of the position

IDSIA's work comprises a large component of applied research in collaboration with the private and public sectors. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as a key factor for innovation in those sectors. Yet, the pervasive uncertainty characterising modern AI systems represents a critical point. Developing inference algorithms that are robust in modelling and managing such uncertainty by balancing efficiency and reliability is crucial.

To this end, IDSIA relies on strong competencies in the field of robust probabilistic AI, where the robustness is achieved by generalised uncertainty models (such as imprecise probabilities or credal sets of distributions). The position mentioned supports the scientific development priority oriented to the use of innovative approaches for these categories of problems, as well as the synergistic development of research and training activities of growing relevance.

Duties and responsibilities


  • She/he is an excellent researcher who is uniquely able to maintain a high academic profile while taking on the responsibility of important, cutting-edge, applied research projects in collaboration with innovative companies in the public and private sectors. The person must understand the Company's needs and model the problems they need to solve, always be strongly focused on the state-of-the-art in the scientific literature and develop new approaches to the problems when needed. On the more academic side, the person must consistently contribute to the scientific literature with important publications in the areas of Robust Probabilistic Artificial Intelligence. While IDSIA is interested in all methodological competencies in these areas, it is particularly keen on strengthening its skills and experience in Probabilistic Graphical Models (such as Bayesian networks and probabilistic circuits), Generalised Uncertainty Theories (such as imprecise probability and credal sets), and the combination of the two (leading to models such as credal networks and credal circuits).
  • With respect to applied projects, she/he is an able manager and/or coordinator who manages their funding, financial/bureaucratic management, and coordination at the departmental and interdepartmental scale. The volumes and durations of past projects are regarded as natural indicators of the candidate's management skills.


  • She/he is active in teaching, where she/he contributes significantly to basic training with a strong role in monitoring the process that regulates the training offer.
  • She/he is active in the national and international scientific and academic community.
  • She/he is active in the management of teaching activities.
  • She/he contributes to the scientific and didactic training of her/his research group in her/his area of expertise.

Management skills

  • She/he is able to promote the scientific growth of her/his collaborators in the scientific areas of competence, taking care of the development of their skills and the quality of their work in the context of teaching and research activities.
  • She/he promotes the collaboration among lecturers, researchers and scientific assistants in the context of her/his domain of competence.
  • She/he coordinates financial and administrative details of her/his scientific projects.


  • In the research area of the call, she/he takes care of and promotes collaborations at national and international levels.
  • Her/his activity in the research area of the call is acknowledged through prizes, participation in international conference program committees, and editorial activities (e.g., guest or area editor of international journals).



  • Ph.D. in Computer Science or related quantitative areas.
  • Ten years of experience as a researcher and lecturer in the technical-scientific area.
  • As a lecturer, she/he is required to have held university courses with positive evaluations, with direct responsibility for the program, teaching material, and student evaluation.
  • As an applied researcher in the area of the call, she/he should have a long track record of important scientific projects (EU, IS, FNS, ERC, direct mandates, etc.) that have been funded and managed under her/his direction, with outcomes such as international patents, prototypes and/or innovative artefacts including innovative solutions subject to evaluation by a third party - to be attached to the application.
  • As an academic researcher in the area of the call, she/he should have relevant scientific results in terms of publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and international conferences.
  • Proven ability to be a leader in the scientific area of the call, both in terms of research, through the responsibility of a research team, and from a management point of view, and in terms of training as a distinguished professor in her/his area.
  • Proven ability to develop collaborations (local, national, and international) within academic networks, professional associations, and consortia.
  • Proven skill in contributing to the growth of internal careers, particularly for young professionals, for example through the supervision of doctoral students and coaching of master’s assistants or research collaborators.
  • Knowledge of the Swiss university system, particularly in the context of Swiss universities of applied sciences.
  • Proven ability to create bridges and synergies between her/his research and teaching activities.
  • Proven recognition at national and international levels as a reference person for her/his scientific area.
  • Linguistic portfolio: excellent knowledge of Italian and English. Knowledge of a second national language (French and/or German) is considered an asset.


  • Organization of events, congresses, and conferences at the national and international level, as well as participation in national or international conferences.
  • Participation in working groups for the establishment, development, and enhancement of infrastructures for training and/or research activities.
  • Experience as thesis supervisor (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate) or university student tutor.
  • Production of teaching material such as lecture notes (in various forms), books, and publications.
  • Responsibility roles in teaching as responsible for degrees, modules, training courses, etc.
  • Responsibility roles in research such as head of institution, centre of expertise, laboratory, area, service, etc.
  • University-level teaching qualification, already obtained or in progress (qualification in the year following the appointment).

We offer

  • A prestigious position in an internationally recognised University of Applied Sciences.
  • Stimulating teaching and applied research activities with a high degree of autonomy and responsibility in a highly innovative and dynamic university environment.
  • A team of motivated colleagues with a great deal of experience and competence.
  • Possibility to grow within the institution by covering roles of increasing responsibility.

Applicants should submit the following documents:

Only applications submitted within 16th February 2025 using the dedicated application form, accompanied by:

  • Motivation letter in Italian or English.
  • Complete CV in Italian or English according to the template (word or PDF);
  • List of scientific publications and exemplary works and links or copies of the aforementioned works.
  • List of acquired research projects, including their financial dimension. 
  • Educational diplomas and work certificates.
  • Awards and mentions.
  • At least two reference letters that prove the professional, scientific and teaching quality.
  • Presentation of the didactic activities carried out at university level with relative evaluations.

Further inquiries can be directed to:
Prof. Dr. Milena Properzi, DTI Director

In addition to the documents to be sent when applying online, additional documentation (criminal record, copy of an identity document) may be requested at a later stage. Applications that are incomplete, sent to other addresses or after the deadline will not be accepted.


Professor in Robust Probabilistic Artificial Intelligence
Via Cantonale 2C Lugano, Schweiz
2025-02-16 23:59 (Europe/Zurich)
2025-02-16 23:59 (CET)
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The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) is one of the nine professional universities recognised by the Swiss Co...

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