Universität Freiburg (CH)

Post-Doc position in Molecular Physiology

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Post-Doc position is available in the Integrative Oxygen Physiology group headed by Prof. David Hoogewijs at the Section of Medicine, University of Fribourg, Switzerland. We explore the molecular mechanisms of adaptation to changing oxygen availability in mammals by applying a wide variety of in vitro and in vivo techniques. Apart from physiological processes such as high- altitude adaptation, the mechanisms of adaptation to reduced oxygen supply (hypoxia) are of major importance for several clinically relevant diseases including anemia and cancer. The 2019 Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery on how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability reflects the crucial significance of these fundamental cellular processes. The focus of the project is to unravel the function of newly identified oxygen-binding globins. Recently, we found evidence for their involvement in several pathologies. The goals are to study various aspects of the functional and pathophysiological role of these globins. The experimental approach will consist of a broad range of molecular biological, biochemical and cell biological techniques in mammalian cell lines and mouse models. We offer an international, stimulating and well-funded working environment at the interface between basic science and medicine. Furthermore, we have access to state-of-the-art technologies within the Faculty of Science and Medicine. The University of Fribourg is a bilingual (French, German) university located in the heart of Switzerland offering excellent living conditions with ample opportunities for cultural and outdoor activities.

Applicants should have a PhD degree in Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Bioengineering, Biomedical Sciences, Physiology or similar. We are seeking candidates who are highly self-motivated and committed, able to work both independently as well as in a team environment, with experience in basic molecular biology and biochemical techniques as well as with animal work (mice). They should have excellent analytical, experimental and writing skills. Candidates should be able to independently establish and develop new methods and techniques. They will be involved in supervising students. Lab language is English. The position is open until filled and available for at least 3 years (renewable). Salary according to institutional guidelines.

Applicants are invited to send a copy of their CV, motivation letter, brief description of laboratory experience and names of three references to Prof. David Hoogewijs (david.hoogewijs@unifr.ch).

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Post-Doc position in Molecular Physiology
Av. Europe 20 Freiburg, Schweiz
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Die Universität Freiburg liegt in einer zweisprachigen Region an der Schnittstelle der deutsch- und französischsprachigen Kulturen.

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