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Job no: 494477
Department: Engineering
Contract type: Contract, Permanent


The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) is Singapore’s first University of Applied Learning, offering industry-relevant degree programmes that prepare its graduates to be work- and future-ready professionals. Its mission is to maximise the potential of its learners and to innovate with industry, through an integrated applied learning and research approach, so as to contribute to the economy and society.

The university’s unique pedagogy integrates work and study, embracing authentic learning in a real-world environment through collaborations with key strategic partners. Its focus on applied research with business impact is aimed at helping industry innovate and grow. Targeted to be ready in 2024, SIT’s centralised campus within the larger Punggol Digital District will feature a vibrant learning environment where academia and industry will be tightly integrated with the community. SIT espouses an applied learning approach and offers degrees with a strong focus on science and technology. Our faculty work closely with industry on translational research and innovation, as well as provide consultancy on solutions to industry challenges. This well-established nexus with industry endows our graduates with deep skills and work-ready training experience – attuning them to the needs and demands of the future economy.

SIT is also establishing strategic live test beds known as ‘Living Labs’ both within and beyond its upcoming Punggol campus to support greater experiential learning and strengthen its applied research offerings. The university’s pool of Engineering experts works with multi-disciplinary teams to drive strategic translational research in key areas such as energy resilience, sustainable infrastructure engineering and maintenance, and maritime engineering.

As a young university, we encourage innovation and seek the right candidates to join us in realising our vision into an increasingly vibrant reality. We offer competitive remuneration, generous employment benefits, access to funding to undertake research of relevance to industry, and opportunities to inspire and nurture the next generation of skilled and work-ready undergraduates. We currently have positions available at all levels, from Lecturer to Full Professor, for the following programmes: 

  • Civil Engineering / Mining Engineering: Emerging and disruptive construction technologies / High-performance construction materials with reduced embodied carbon / Tunnel engineering with expertise in design, construction, operation and impact assessment of tunnels 
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering: Power electronics / Power system analytics / Expertise related to marine / built sector (e.g. electrification of ships or maritime and building energy efficiency) / Digital twinning of electrical / aviation / manufacturing set-ups / Expertise in system design which may include green building design involving passive to active systems or land transport systems 
  • Mechanical Engineering / Material Engineering / Marine Engineering: Transport infrastructure asset management / Domain Expertise in maintenance, operation and modelling of infrastructural assets and systems 
  • Systems Engineering: Competent in data analytics for the power industry or building services / Experience in integrated digital technology such as AR/VR for system maintenance, including electrical power and thermal assets in buildings or shipyard or aviation / Strong  background in Infocomm Technology for IoT implementation and integration

Successful candidates will join the Engineering (ENG) Cluster (one of five academic clusters in SIT), as members of a team of accomplished experts who are passionate about higher education and deeply involved in industry transformation through applied research programmes.                                                                   
Faculty in the ENG Cluster undertake funded industry-relevant research, teach courses in civil, mining, electrical, mechanical, material, marine and systems engineering as well as supervise graduate industry masters and doctorate students in relevant topics. They are also provided with paid leave to undertake consultancy work with industry and/or spend time attached with industry.                                                                                                
We will prioritise collegial and team-spirited candidates with either (a) an earned PhD or equivalent from a reputable university with specialisation in any of the above-mentioned areas and some relevant work experience, or (b) extensive industry experience with demonstrated strong technical expertise in the above-mentioned areas.   

Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. All applications must be submitted electronically via the "Apply Now" button. Please contact the ENG Acting Cluster Director, Associate Professor Tay Chuan Beng via HR_Faculty@singaporetech.edu.sg if you have any enquiries relating to these opportunities.


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Singapore Institute of Technology aims to be a leader in innovative university education by integrating learning, industry and community.

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