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20 senior research positions

2025-03-04 (Europe/Madrid)
Job sichern

ICREA opens 20 senior research positions in the following areas:

  • Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
  • Engineering Sciences

Minimum requirements are a Ph.D. degree obtained preferably before 2021, with relevant multinational exposure at pre-doctoral and/or post-doctoral level.

Candidates in an expansive phase of their academic career, with an outstanding research record and leadership are encouraged to apply. Applications from women are especially welcome. ICREA researchers are required to make substantial contributions to their own areas of research and to have a strong impact in the Catalan research system by becoming fully involved, active members of the Catalan research community.

Successful applicants will be offered a permanent contract with ICREA to work at universities or research centres in Catalonia. Salaries are in line with those of Full Professors at Public Catalan Universities.

In addition, successful applicants will receive temporary financial support in the form of a start-up package of discretionary funds which will be transferred to the host institution where the applicant is adscribed. The amount of the start-up package of this 2025 call, as well as its duration, will be determined by the ICREA Board of Trustees based on budgetary forecasts.

ICREA Research Professors are subject to an evaluation of their research progress and general performance after the first three-year period and, subsequently, every five years. The evaluations are carried out by external evaluation committees that assess scientific production as well as research activity. Positive evaluations lead to salary increases. ICREA positions are not compatible with permanent positions outside the Catalan research system (not even part-time).

The call is open to all scholars worldwide who, on the 4th of March 2023 (24 months prior to the deadline of this call), were not yet holding a permanent position in the Catalan research system. Regardless of the type of contract, positions are considered 'not permanent' if their continuity is subject to a scientific assessment, either stated on the contract itself or be implicit in its nature, such as is the case of most public tenure- track programmes.

While candidates of all ages are welcome, ICREA has a retirement age that tracks Spanish official retirement age (currently around 67 years old).

Successful candidates are expected to join the host institution no later than September 2026.

Applications must be submitted electronically via this website before 2:00 pm (Central European Time) on Tuesday, the 4th of March 2025. Please note that no applications can be submitted after the deadline. 

Each ICREA call is independent from previous calls. Applicants are evaluated from scratch, without any history of past attempts. Also, applicants are reminded that they will be compared only to the applicants of each year, and that each cohort of applicants is very different from call to call.

The next ICREA call, in 2026, will open positions for the rest of the areas (Social & Behavioural Sciences, Humanities and Life & Medical Sciences).

The application requires all the following items:

  1. An on-line form for personal and professional data, a statement of your research done in the last five years (2000 characters maximum), a list of the 5 most relevant publications, a statement of purpose explaining your choice of institution(s) and your future research plan (3000 characters maximum).
  2. A single .pdf file (free format, maximum 15 pages and up to 5 Mb in size) containing the candidate's CV in English.
  3. The contact details of four referees, of which at least two must submit reference letters. The reference letters must be written in English (PDF format) and uploaded by the referees before 2:00 pm (Central European Time) on Tuesday, 4 March 2025. To that effect, the system will generate links to be distributed by the candidate to each referee.
  4. An Expression of Interest (EOI) from at least one host institution. Candidates must directly contact each institution that they are interested in joining (university or research centre in Catalonia), and obtain an EOI. The EOI form must be downloaded directly by the institution(s), using the link(s) provided by the candidate. To that effect, the system will generate links to be distributed by each candidate to the host(s) institution(s). At the link, the institution will find instructions to download, fill and submit the form. EOI(s) must be electronically signed by a legal representative of the institution, and must be uploaded to the ICREA system before 2:00pm (local time) on Tuesday, 4 March 2025.

Additional information:

  1. Applications can be edited and saved as many times as necessary before submission. A confirmation email will be sent after submission. Applicants are advised to check their spam folders if the confirmation message fails to appear in their Inbox.
  2. Applicants can submit their applications regardless of whether the referees and the host(s) institutions have uploaded their letters and EOIs. The system allows applicants to monitor file uploading by both referees and host institution(s). Please bear in mind that incomplete applications will not be considered for evaluation.
  3. Applicants can confidentially provide names that they wish to be excluded from their evaluation process. In order to do so, please send an email to Sònia Salvadó at ssalvado@icrea.cat. This information is exclusively for ICREA and will not be shared.

Protection of personal data:
In accordance with the current regulations on the protection of personal data, we inform you in relation to the processing we will do of the personal data provided to us during the selection process for the candidate. This information will apply to the personal data included in this form, to the data in the curriculum vitae that you provide us and to any other additional information that we may request from you including the information collected in personal interviews, provided that the data is collected in the context of determining suitability for employment.

Responsible for the treatment:

  • CIF: G62515838
  • Postal address: Passeig Lluís Companys, 23 - 08010 Barcelona
  • Email: DPD@icrea.cat

The information provided will be used for the purpose of managing the selection of personnel, analysing their suitability as a candidate for the researcher selection process for which they have registered.
ICREA guarantees confidentiality in the treatment of your personal data.
The data will be treated solely for the purposes expressed, and may not be treated subsequently for purposes incompatible with those described here. In the event that they are used for purposes other than those mentioned above, all relevant information will be provided to the interested parties prior to the new treatment.
Your personal data linked to selection processes (curriculum vitae) will be kept as long as you do not tell us otherwise in order to facilitate management in future selection processes. Remember that if your data or curriculum vitae have undergone any modification compared to the last time you provided it to us, you will have to make the appropriate modifications in the corresponding call.

The legal basis for the processing of your data is the pre-contractual relationship and subsequent contractual relationship if applicable.
When it is planned that the treatment will have an impact beyond the framework of the specific call, the owner's consent will be requested.

Your personal data will be processed by ICREA, without the same being communicated to third parties.

You have the right to access your personal data subject to treatment, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where applicable, to request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which be collected, in addition to exercising the right to oppose and limit the treatment, data portability and not to be the subject of automated decisions. You can exercise these rights by writing to the Data Controller: INSTITUCIÓ CATALANA DE RECERCA I ESTUDIS AVANÇATS (ICREA), Passeig Lluís Companys, 23 - 08010 Barcelona and electronically through the email DPD@icrea.cat.
In the event that you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you can submit a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency through its website https://www.aepd.es/.


20 senior research positions
Passeig Lluís Companys 23 Barcelona, Spanien
2025-03-04 14:00 (Europe/Madrid)
2025-03-04 14:00 (CET)
Analytische Chemie, , Atmosphärenchemie, , Biochemie, , Katalyse, , Chemische Biologie, und 179 mehr Chemische Thermodynamik, Chemoinformatik, Computergestütze Chemie, Elektrochemie, Umweltchemie, Immunchemie, Anorganische Chemie, Materialchemie, Mathematische Chemie, Medizinische Chemie, Molekularchemie, Nanobiochemie, Nanochemie, Nanotechnologie, Kernchemie, Organische Chemie, Metallorganische Chemie, Petrochemie, Photochemie, Physikalische Chemie, Phytochemie, Polymerchemie, Radiochemie, Festkörperchemie, Spektroskopie, Oberflächenchemie, Synthesechemie, Theoretische Chemie, Thermochemie, Algorithmen, Künstliche Intelligenz, Artifizielles Neuronales Netz, Big Data, Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Computer und Gesellschaft, Computerarchitektur, Computer-Kommunikation (Netzwerke), Computergrafik, Computer Vision, Datenverarbeitung in den Bereichen Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Ingenieurwesen und Medizin, Datenverarbeitung in den Bereichen Sozialwissenschaften, Künste und Geisteswissenschaften, Cyber Security, Data-Mining, Datenstrukturen, Datenbanken, Verteilte Datenverarbeitung, Game-Design, Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Informatik, Informationswissenschaften, Informationssysteme (Unternehmensinformatik), Maschinelles Lernen, Maschinelles Sehen, Betriebssysteme, Parallele Datenverarbeitung, Programmiersprachen, Quantencomputing, Softwareentwicklung, Theoretische Informatik, Technische Akustik, Luftfahrttechnik, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Agraringenieurswesen, Systemtechnik/Audio, Fahrzeugtechnik, Systemtechnik/Automotive, Bioingenieurwesen, Biomedizinische Technik, Biosystemtechnik, Chemieingenieurwesen, Bauingenieurwesen, Nachrichtentechnik, Computergestützte Ingenieurswissenschaft, Computertechnik, Steuerungstechnik, Umweltverfahrenstechnik, Elektrotechnik, Elektronik, Energietechnik, Ingenieurausbildung, Physikingenieurswesen, Umweltingenieurwesen, Brandschutztechnik, Geotechnik, Hydraulik, Bildverarbeitung, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Gerätetechnik, Fertigungstechnik, Marinetechnik, Werkstofftechnik, Maschinenbau, Mechanik, Mechatronik, Wehrtechnik, Bergbauwesen, Kerntechnik, Optotechnik, Erdöltechnik, Qualitätssicherungstechnik, Bahntechnik, Erneuerbare Energie, Robotertechnik, Sicherheitstechnik, Signalaufbereitung, Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau, Systems Engineering, Technologiemanagement, Telekommunikationstechnik, Verkehrsingenieurwesen, Atmosphärische Wissenschaften, Biogeografie, Kartografie, Klimatologie, Geochemie, Geodäsie und Vermessungswesen, Geografie, Geoinformatik (GIS), Geologie, Geomikrobiologie, Geomorphologie, Geostatistik, Hydrogeologie, Hydrologie, Meeresgeowissenschaften, Meteorologie, Mineralogie, Ozeanografie, Paläoklimatologie, Paläontologie, Petrologie, Fernerkundung, Seismologie, Vulkanologie, Algebra, Analysis, Angewandte Mathematik, Computergestützte Mathematik, Geometrie und Topologie, Logik, Zahlentheorie, Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Statistik, Stochastik, Beschleunigerphysik, Akustik, Angewandte Physik, Atom-, Molekular- und optische Physik, Biophysik, Chemische Physik, Computergestützte Physik, Physik der kondensierten Materie, Kryotechnik, Elektromagnetismus, Experimentalphysik, Strömungsphysik, Strömungsmechanik, Geophysik, Laserphysik, Materialphysik, Mathematische Physik, Medizinische Physik, Molekularphysik, Kernphysik, Optik, Teilchenphysik, Fotonik, Plasmaphysik, Quantenphysik, Solid-state Physics, Theoretische Physik, Thermodynamik, Fahrdynamik, Astrobiologie, Astrochemie, Astronomie, Astrophysik, Kosmologie, Beobachtende Astronomie
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Über den Arbeitgeber

ICREA, Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies, is a foundation supported by the Catalan Government and guided by a Board of Trustees.

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