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Aix-Marseille Université

Tenure track position in Environmental Analytical Chemistry

2025-03-15 (Europe/Paris)
Job sichern

Researcher, Assistant Professor/ Senior Lecturer / R3: Established Researcher

Professor, Tenure track / R4: Leading Researcher 

RESEARCH FIELD(S)1: Chemistry, Environmental science
MAIN SUB RESEARCH FIELD OR DISCIPLINES1: Chemistry, Environmental science

The laboratory of Environmental Chemistry (joined-unit CNRS and Aix-Marseille Université), via a CNRS chair of excellence, offers a tenure track position (as “chargé de recherche”) in “Analysis and chemical reactivity for the environment” with an "entry package", giving tenure in the corps of research directors (“directeur de recherche”) at the end of the contract.

The project proposed by the candidate should aim to gain a deeper understanding of the physico-chemical processes taking place in various terrestrial environments, such as the atmosphere, aquatic environments and soils. To achieve this, it will rely in particular on laboratory experiments and the development of innovative analytical methodologies, offering precise information on reactivity within these environments. In addition, the project will explore interactions at the interfaces between these different environments, enriching our knowledge of multi-media dynamics. The analytical techniques developed will enable ultra-trace detection of organic compounds in complex samples representative of these environments. These advances will be particularly useful for monitoring pollutants and studying the degradation mechanisms of organic compounds. The analyses will provide crucial new data to better understand the reactivity of these environments and identify secondary products likely to be formed. In addition, a part of the project could be dedicated to the miniaturization of analytical techniques, with a view to carrying out analyses directly on site. Finally, modelling approaches could be integrated to further our understanding of the chemical reactivities involved.

The recruited researcher will benefit from the excellent collaborative atmosphere within the two research teams forming LCE Lab (laboratory of Environmental Chemistry, Marseille (South-East, France)) and will have access to a range of state-of-the art facilities and analytical instruments mostly based on mass spectrometry (Orbitrap-LC-MS/MS, LC-Q/IMS/TOF, SPE-HPLC-MS/MS (Q-TOF), GC/MS, GC-ECD, GC-C-IRMS, PTR-ToF-MS , HR-ToF-AMS , SMPS … ).

The two research teams of the lab carry out their research in the fields of water, soil/sediment and atmospheric chemistry, with the aim of identifying the sources and fate of organic and inorganic micropollutants in the various environmental compartments. These teams carry out studies (mechanistic and kinetic) on the fate of these compounds emitted by the various identified sources (anthropogenic and natural), focusing on their transfer (reactive or not) to other environmental compartments by identifying and characterizing the mechanisms (abiotic and biotic) involved in these migrations, disseminations and/or transformations.

Candidates to the tenure track position are invited to have a look at the articles published by lab’ members and available in open-access on HAL, to develop a research proposal linked to the research activities of one of the two research teams, or better linked to the global research carried out in the lab.


WORK LOCATION(S): Laboratoire de Chimie de l’Environnement (LCE), Aix-Marseille Université-CNRS, Campus Saint-Charles, 3 place Victor Hugo, 13003 Marseille France

The contract (three to six years) will provide a dedicated financial environment upon joining the CNRS (200 k€) and includes teaching activities (max: 28h lecture courses per year) in Aix-Marseille Université. This position is offered on fixed-term contracts (CDD) under public law for a duration of 3 to 6 years (gross annual salary: 54 600 to 57800 € depending on professional experience).

Following evaluation of scientific value and professional aptitude by a tenure commission, tenure will be granted as a CNRS Senior Researcher.

Additional information: The Euraxess Center of Aix-Marseille Université informs foreign visiting professors, researchers, postdoc and PhD candidates about the administrative steps to be undertaken prior to arrival at AMU and the various practical formalities to be completed once in France: visas and entry requirements, insurance, help finding accommodation, support in opening a bank account, etc. More information on AMU EURAXESS Portal 

Holder of a doctorate or equivalent degree, or proof of scientific qualifications and work judged equivalent by the competent body of the establishment. There are no age or nationality requirements (but with a minimum of five years of experience after the thesis). All CNRS jobs are accessible to people with disabilities, subject to any special arrangements required by the nature of the disability.

Understanding the evolution of our environment is a research theme of international importance, essential for understanding the mechanisms of ongoing climate change. Work in this field is highly competitive on a global scale. The successful candidate will be expected to propose a solid network of collaborations with the main institutes and universities skilled in this field. Active involvement in national and international environmental chemistry networks will be particularly valued, as will the development of partnerships with major national and international agencies involved in this field.

As this position is highly competitive, researchers with at least five years of experience after thesis and with corresponding significant number of high-level papers are particularly sought after for this position.

Soft skills: Required language: English with basic knowledge of French, Autonomy, Teamwork

First step: pre-selection: before End of February 2025

  • Detailed CV
  • Letter of motivation

Second-step: selection by the Lab

  • Meeting between the candidate and the members of the lab allowing the writing of a common research proposal

Third step:

  • Research proposal (10-15 pages) linked to at least one of the research activities of the lab will have to be discussed between pre-selected candidates and members of the scientific committee of the lab
  • Candidature will have to be submitted on the CNRS Recruitment portal (https://emploi.cnrs.fr/) (opening mid or End of February;

More info at: https://Lce.univ-amu.fr 

HOW TO APPLY: jean-luc.boudenne@univ-amu.fr

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Tenure track position in Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Jardin du Pharo 58, bd Charles Livon Marseille, Frankreich
2025-03-15 12:00 (Europe/Paris)
2025-03-15 12:00 (CET)
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